A Letter From The Owner
I started in 1980 selling fabric sample cuts at California swap meets. Whether with one employee or two hundred employees, at no time have I ever had a secretary, had an office, or even had a cubicle. My desk is an industrial table in the shipping area.
In short, we run very tight. Here are some examples:
We have no factors, no lines of credit, no business loans, and no secured or unsecured loans.
W pay our suppliers by Wire Transfrer before our good ship.
Our Suppliers know there is no credit risk with us, and price our goods accordingly.
We bought our builodings before real estate prices went crazy.
We are located in Enterprise Zone, which in California has very substantial tax savings.
We have no Credit Department.
We have no H.R. Department. Vacancies are filled by family members' friends & relatives.
We have no Sales Department.
We have no Logistics Department. Outgoing freight is UPS. Our suppliers pay incoming freight.
We use recycled shipping cartons. We are a "green" company.
All our photography, catalog preparation, and pre-sort mailing is done in house.
We shop globally for value.